Beth Ames Altringer Eagle

Award-winning design leader, design engineering educator, and creative technologist.  

Flavor Pairing API

Project focus: How might we turn cookbooks and professional chef intuition for flavor pairing into an API for consumer applications?
Role: Founder
Recognition: Evolved into the Flavor Genome Project, which became the backend for other applications, like Chef League
2015 to 2016

InJoy was a web application (now integrated with the Flavor Genome Project) exploring flavor as multi-sensory, cognitive and emotional experience that encourages learning and adventurous taste discovery and appreciation.

It was first tested in collaboration with the culinary team at Study for the Taste Emoji dinner. Its API now powers the iOS application, Chef League.


Past talks & Workshops

“Whatever you can do or dream you can, begin it; boldness has genius, power and magic in it.

Only engage, and then the mind grows heated. Begin it, and the work will be completed.”

- Goethe (in German)
as translated by John Anster

Design Practice Roles

Founder, Desirability LabAmes Studio
Contact: ba[at]